Join your peers! Take part in the international Life Science industry promotion surrounding BIO Triangle. The industry promotion supports the life sciences community while highlighting global leaders in healthcare innovation. Keep your brand visible all year… Put Your Company On The Map!
The colorful posters are proudly displayed in executive offices, conference rooms, and work areas all year and viewed many times. The audience you care about will proudly display the poster and “Keep your brand visible all year!” Put Your Company on The Map!
“The synergistic Maps help increase company visibility and create brand awareness, all year!”
View Interactive MapBuy Map2026 PreviewTestimonialsPut My Company on the Map!
- Print Distribution: Directly to thousands of industry professionals, schools, and high tech companies locally, nationally and internationally.
- 95% Display Rate: Elegantly and professionally designed to enhance office walls, conference rooms, and company entryways all year long.
- Brand Visibility: Large custom foil company information viewable from 20 ft. away.
- 365 Days of Exposure: Usable year at a glance calendar viewable by many.
- Social Media and Web: All logos linked online direct to social media and website.
- Press Releases: Online through hundreds of news articles worldwide.
- Airport Displays: Large back-lit signs featuring the map are promoted through sponsorship at International Airports, (Inquire about Sponsorships).
- Available: Poster/Calendars, Post Cards, Greeting Cards and Mouse Pads.
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